EsophaCool™ combines licorice root extract and calcium carbonate with magnesium to maintain healthy digestive function and support esophagus health.
EsophaCool™ has an enhanced formula for digestive support. With licorice root extract to support a healthy inflammatory response and promote gastric health, calcium carbonate to promote a healthy esophageal pH balance and magnesium carbonate as a supplementary source of magnesium, this innovative formula helps encourage healthy digestive function.
EsophaCool™ promotes healthy digestive function and a healthy inflammatory response to support esophageal health.
EsophaCool™ Benefits
Chewable Digestive Health Support
For those who have difficulty swallowing tablets, EsophaCool™ offers a chewable supplement to help promote esophageal health. EsophaCool™ provides healthy digestive support in one small, chewable tablet for on-the-go function. EsophaCool™ helps support a healthy inflammatory response to maintain healthy digestive function.
Product Details
Our EsophaCool™ formula combines a special licorice root extract and calcium carbonate to provide on-the-go support for the delicate lining of your esophagus and healthy digestive function. EsophaCool™ also delivers magnesium, which is depleted by traditional digestive support regimens.
More facts about EsophaCool™
Each day, millions of American adults experience gastroesophageal discomfort caused by stomach acid rising into the esophagus. Many traditional regimens designed to address gastrointestinal discomfort can disrupt the body’s healthy digestive processes, impede the production of stomach acid and lead to nutrient deficiencies—particularly in magnesium.
Focusing on the esophagus, not the stomach
EsophaCool promotes healthy muscle tone in the esophagus to help minimize digestive discomfort, neutralizes acid in the esophagus and encourages a healthy inflammatory response to support esophageal health. And EsophaCool leaves digestive acid production alone, which in turn supports the body’s healthy immune response.
GutGard® DGL licorice root extract
Pre-clinical research suggests that licorice root extract can help promote gastric health, which can help support the esophagus. The flavonoid molecules in deglycyrrhizinated (DGL) licorice encourage a healthy inflammatory response to support esophageal health by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules such as leukotrienes, prostaglandins and interleukins.
Licorice itself has also been shown to support healthy concentrations of compounds that promote mucus production, which may provide an improved protective barrier between the delicate lining of the esophagus and the acidic stomach contents.
Calcium carbonate
Calcium carbonate promotes healthy pH balance in the esophagus without disrupting stomach acid production, while also maintaining gastric pH. When chewed, rather than swallowed, calcium carbonate has minimum effect on stomach acid, which allows that acid to do its important work undisturbed while significantly easing discomfort in the esophagus.
Research indicates that chewable calcium also supports the strong, healthy muscle movement of swallowing that keeps digestive fluids in their rightful place, helping to block the backward flow of fluid from the stomach.
Enhanced formula with magnesium
EsophaCool delivers magnesium carbonate, which adds further support for esophageal comfort. It also provides supplementary magnesium, which is frequently lost from the body during the use of traditional gastric discomfort regimens.
Ксилитол, маннит, ароматизаторы (ягоды, клубника, ваниль), микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, стеариновая кислота, декстрин, лимонная кислота, кроскармеллоза натрия, аравийская камедь, диоксид кремния, растительный стеарат, экстракт стевии.
При приеме в больших дозах магний может оказывать слабительное действие.
Хранить в плотно закрытой упаковке в сухом и прохладном месте.
Продукт содержит ингредиенты, которые могут оказывать негативное воздействие на репродуктивную систему. Законопроект 65
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